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“新型肺炎”防控期间延长春节假期和上海延迟企业复工的相关通知解读 (上海篇)

    日期:2020-04-09     作者:孙琳(劳动与社会保障业务研究委员会委员会、北京安杰(上海)律师事务所)、陈思颖(北京安杰(上海)律师事务所)


      On 27 January 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Circular on Extending the 2020 Spring Festive Holiday, and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government released the Circular on Delaying Return to Work and School in Shanghai Municipality. Pursuant to these two Circulars, policies and interpretation of Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (“SHHRSS”) regarding novel coronavirus pneumonia, and the Law of PRC on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on Emergent Measures for Public Hygiene Events, AnJie’s labour and employment department hereby presents its interpretation on the following 5 issues of employers’ most concerns.


   一、关于休假/Extended Vacation


        1. 国务院规定延长2020年春节假期至22日,企业是否必须执行?

      Shall enterprises be obliged to extend the spring festival holiday of 2020 to February 2 as required by the State Council?



       Yes, they shall. According to the previous schedule of statutory holidays, Jan 31 should have been a working day, Feb 1, a working day during the weekend, and Feb 2, a rest day. However, pursuant to the recent Circular of the State Council, employees shall have rest on Jan 31 and Feb 1. In our opinions, Jan 31 and Feb 1 are not statutory holidays but special holidays arranged by the country, therefore, employers shall extend the spring festive holiday as required by the Circular of the State Council.


        2. 上海市人民政府发布《关于延迟本市企业复工和学校开学的通知》规定“本市区域内各类企业不早于2924时前复工”,企业是否必须执行?工资如何结算?

       Shall enterprises in Shanghai Municipality be obliged to “not have their employees return to work before Feb 9, 24 p.m.” as required by Shanghai Municipal People’s Government’s Circular on Delaying Return to Work and School in Shanghai Municipality? What about the standards for wage?



     Yes, they shall, except for enterprises, as specified in the Circular, involving in industries necessary for ensuring running of the city (i.e. supply of water, gas, electricity and communication, etc.), for control of epidemic (i.e. production and sale of medical apparatus and instruments, medicine, and protection products), and for guaranteeing the people’s basic living, enterprises in other industries involving national welfare and the people's livelihood, and enterprises required by regulatory authorities to start work. Enterprises in real need for return to work before Feb 10 may do so subject to the approval of competent authorities.



     According to the official explanation of SHHRSS, the returning day for work is postponed due to epidemic control. These days are rest days. Employees off work shall be paid wage by employers according to the standards specified in their employment contracts; employees who work during these days for necessary tasks shall be deemed working overtime on rest days and be given deferred rest or overtime pay (i.e. 200% daily wage) according to the law.


       3. 如果企业在2924时前要求复工而员工拒绝,是否可以按照违纪处理?

     In case an employer requires employees to return to work before Feb 9, 24 p.m. but the employees refuse, may the employer take disciplinary actions towards such employees?



       No, the employer may not. Employers shall abide by the circulars regarding return to work. Even if employees refuse to return to work as required by their employers, employers may not take disciplinary actions towards such employees by reason of absence from work or otherwise. However, employers exempted from the “return to work” requirement as specified in the above Circulars and with prior approval from competent authorities shall have the right to take disciplinary actions, according to their internal rules, towards the employees who refuse to go back to work.


    二、关于加班/Overtime Pay


        4. 如果131日至22日期间企业确因生产经营需要安排员工工作的,这段期间的未休假期应如何处理?

      What if employers have to arrange employees back to work during Jan 31 to Feb 2 due to urgent need for production and operation?



      Days from Jan 31 to Feb 2 are temporarily extended spring festive holidays required by the State Council. Circular of the State Council provides that “employees unable to take holidays due to control of the epidemic shall be given deferred rest pursuant to the PRC Labour Law.” Considering the “deferred rest” specified in the PRC Labour Law applies only to overtime on rest days, employees who are required to work during Jan 31 to Feb 2 shall be given deferred rest, and in case deferred rest is impossible, employers may pay such employees no less than 200% of their daily wage for each day’s work.


        5. 23日至29日期间企业是否可以通知员工在家办公?在家办公是否要按照加班处理?

       May employers require employees to work from home during Feb 3 to Feb 9? If so, shall such work from home be considered overtime work?



    According to the official explanation of SHHRSS, during the postponement, the government encourages employers to have their employees work from home. Employees working from home shall be deemed working overtime on rest days, and therefore shall be given deferred rest or overtime pay of no less than 200% of their daily wage for each day’s work.




        6. 对于隔离治疗期间、医学观察期间以及因政府实施隔离措施或采取其他紧急措施导致不能提供正常劳动的员工,工资及劳动关系应如何处理?

     Wage and employment relationship of employees unable to work regularly during the period of quarantine treatment, medical observation or due to quarantine measures or other emergency measures implemented by the government.



       Article 41 of the PRC Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases provides that for those under quarantine who have employers, the employers shall not stop the payment of their wages during the period of quarantine.



     The Circular on Implementing Support and Safeguard Measures in Response to the Epidemic of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia issued by SHHRSS provides that employers shall pay employees’ wage as they work regularly and shall not terminate their employment contracts according to Article 40 and 41 of the PRC Employment Contract Law. If their employment contracts expire during the above-mentioned periods, the term of employment contracts shall be extended to the expiration of the medical treatment period, medical observation period, or quarantine period, or the termination of the emergency measures taken by the government.



     For employees unable to return from Hubei, according to relevant circulars issued by Beijing, upon consultation with employees, employers may arrange for such employees to await job assignment, and during the awaiting period, employers shall pay the employees basic allowances no less than 70% of the minimum wage standard of Beijing. However, policies issued by Shanghai did not specify how to deal with this situation. And it is not clear whether locking down the city, as Hubei Providence did, is one of the “quarantine measures or other emergency measures implemented by the government” under the circulars of SHHRSS. Therefore, we suggest that employers, if conditions permit, arrange for such employees to work from home (note: work from home before 24:00 on February 9 would be regarded as overtime work during rest days); if work from home is not possible, enterprises may follow relevant provisions on wage payment during the suspension of business and work in Shanghai, and enterprises may reimburse the wage if competent Shanghai authorities later make it clear that those employees should be paid as they are when they work regularly.


    四、关于年休假/Annual Leave


      7. 23日至29日期间企业安排员工休息的,是否可以冲抵年休假?

       If enterprises arrange employees to take holidays from Feb 3 to Feb 9, may such holidays be deducted from the employees’ annual leave?



      As SHHRSS has defined the days commencing the end of extended spring festive holiday until the returning day of work as rest days, enterprises shall not deduct the holidays during this period from their employees' annual leave.


       8. 如果在春节假期前已经申请131日至29日年休假的员工,年休假如何处理?是否可以撤销年休假申请?

      What if employees have requested for annual leave from Jan 31 to Feb 9 before the spring festival holiday? May they withdraw the request?



       As analyzed above, Jan 31 and Feb 1 are extended spring festival holidays arranged by the government, and days from Feb 3 to Feb 9 are rest days, neither of which may be deducted from employees’ annual leave. In our opinions, employees having requested for annual leaves to be taken during the above period may withdraw such request.


   五、关于个人信息征集/Collection of Personal Information


       9. 上海市人民政府通知要求“各相关部门和所在单位要加强检疫查验和健康防护,所在单位要及时报告相关信息,对来自或去过疫情重点地区的人员一律严格落实医学观察、隔离等措施,做到全覆盖”。企业可以要求员工提供哪些个人信息?

    The Shanghai government requires "all relevant departments and employers shall strengthen quarantine inspection and health protection; employers shall report relevant information in a timely manner, and strictly implement medical observation and quarantine, etc. to cover all personnel originated from or having visited areas of severe outbreak of Novel Pneumonia". What kind of personal information may enterprises ask employees to provide?



       In the prevention and control of Novel Pneumonia, in order to meet the requirements of government agencies, employers may ask employees to provide information related to epidemic control, including their name, address, email address, location, whereabouts, health information, travel plan, contact with specific personnel and wild animals, etc.


        10. 如果员工拒绝向企业提供上述信息,企业应如何处理?

        What if employees refuse to provide the above-mentioned information?



     We don’t think the employers have administrative authority to force employees to provide such information. Employers should clearly inform the employees that if they refuse to provide, or conceal or defer the provision of, the required information, or provide false information, they may be subjected to administrative or criminal responsibilities. In accordance with the PRC Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Regulations on Emergency measures for Public Hygiene Events, individuals who fail to perform reporting duties and cooperate with investigation may be subjected to administrative or disciplinary sanctions; those whose default of the reporting duties leads to the spread and prevalence of infectious diseases and causes personal and/or financial damages to others shall be subjected to civil responsibilities; those committing any violation of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law shall be subjected to penalties by the public security organs according to law; in case any crime is committed, they shall be subjected to criminal liabilities. In case of employees committing crime and prosecuted, the employers may terminate their employment contracts in accordance with Article 39 of the PRC Employment Contract Law.



       We hope that the above analysis and suggestions are helpful to you.  


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